located in Tongging village, North Sumatra. it named sipiso - piso ( piso = knife ) Because of the swift waterfall is like a sharp knife. it is one of highest in INDONESIA.
Toba lake
this is the most famous lake in INDONESIA because of the large size of it and this is unique lake because there is an island in the middle of the lake. this is a largest vulcanic lake in the southeast Asia with 100 Km and 300 Km about wide. Toba lake is the most famoust tourist spot, so if you want to stay here there are many lodging.
if you want to visit SUMATERA Indonesia there are many tourist resort like:
Linting lake in north sumatra
hot snow
Samosir Island
this is island that located in middle of Toba lake
Lagundri beaach
but.. like it name " gold island " Sumatra is the largest gold producer . According to ancient resources , Minangkabau there is a mountains that contains of gold.
many more area will make you interest..
so come in and see how beautiful indonesia " visited Indoesia "
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» Sumatra "gold island" INDONESIA
Sumatra "gold island" INDONESIA
11:15 PM
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