Textile and garment companies, PT Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) in Sukoharjo, Central Java is famous worldwide for its quality fabrics and garments produced. The company founded by (the late) HM Lukminto it is also known by the production of military uniforms that have been sent to 30 countries with advanced specifications. Starting from small businesses in Pasar Klewer, Solo 1966, HM Lukminto growing effort to finally set up factories in Sukoharjo and inaugurated by President Suharto in 1992. Director of Sritex, Sri Sartono Basuki said PT Sritex has long been producing uniforms and police Untik TNI, then a time the Indonesian army and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) swapped uniforms like exchanging a ball player jersey. "Then tested, compared with the US and it turned out better (quality). At that time (PT Sritex) orientation is still fashion," said Sartono detikFinance while visiting the factory PT Sritex in Sukoharjo, Central Java, on Wednesday (12/03/2014). "In 1994 an agreement with NATO," he added. Since that time a military uniform quality produced by PT. Sritex also spread to various parts of the world until now PT. Sritex meet military uniform orders to 30 countries. "Previously we've made uniforms for the military police as the first customer. Apparently word of mouth marketing was so incredible," he said. Many countries ordered military uniforms with different specifications, there is no uniform army bulletproof, anti-radiation, anti-mosquito, anti-fire, anti-water, and so on. Even today PT Sritex are developing camouflage military uniform is said to change color according to the natural environment. "New stages, not as detailed as (discolored), we are conditioned to get there," he said. In addition to military uniforms, PT. Sritex also help

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