3 Best Antivirus Made in Indonesia

Indonesianeyes - So far we know only antivirus made ​​overseas . Did you know that there are also some antivirus is no less attractive to foreign-made anti-virus ? here are some of the best antivirus made ​​in Indonesia .

Indonesia Leading Lawyers for Criminal & Civil Litigations

According to Article 1 paragraph ( 1 ) of Law No. 18 of 2003 on the Advocate , the Advocate is the person who is giving legal services , both inside and outside the court that meets the requirements under the provisions of this Act . Legal services in question may be providing legal advice , legal assistance , run power , represent , assist, defend , and perform other legal actions for the benefit of the client law . Another term for a lawyer is a lawyer , lawyers , attorney , legal counsel , or counsel . While the term in English lawyer is a lawyer , attorney , legal counsel , solicitor , barrister , and advocate .

Car Insurance Indonesia

CAR INSURANCE QUOTES  Having a car is not something cheap . Unfortunately , your precious car is never apart from the threat of catastrophe losses . Moreover , your car may be a means of transportation that you use every day , from morning till night . Make sure you are prepared for any losses that may occur . Protect the safety car and yourself with car insurance coverage that can cover various types of financial needs , ranging from damage to the car up to the cost of treatment of passengers in case of an accident .

The Grasberg mine is the largest gold mine in the world and third largest copper mine in the world

Indonesian Eyes - The Grasberg mine is the largest gold mine in the world and third largest copper mine in the world . The mine is located in the province of Papua in Indonesia near latitude and longitude 137.116 -4.053 , and is owned by US-based Freeport ( 67.3 % ) , Rio Tinto Group ( 13 % ) , the Government of Indonesia ( 9.3 % ) and PT Indocopper Investama Corporation ( 9 % ) . The mine operator is PT Freeport Indonesia ( a subsidiary of Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold ) . The cost of building a mine at the top of the mountain at 3 billion dollars . In 2004 , the mine is estimated to have reserves of 46 million ounces of gold . In 2006 production was 610 800 tonnes of copper ; 58,474,392 grams of gold ; and 174 458 971 grams of silver [ 1 ] .


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