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The Grasberg mine is the largest gold mine in the world and third largest copper mine in the world

Indonesian Eyes - The Grasberg mine is the largest gold mine in the world and third largest copper mine in the world . The mine is located in the province of Papua in Indonesia near latitude and longitude 137.116 -4.053 , and is owned by US-based Freeport ( 67.3 % ) , Rio Tinto Group ( 13 % ) , the Government of Indonesia ( 9.3 % ) and PT Indocopper Investama Corporation ( 9 % ) . The mine operator is PT Freeport Indonesia ( a subsidiary of Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold ) . The cost of building a mine at the top of the mountain at 3 billion dollars . In 2004 , the mine is estimated to have reserves of 46 million ounces of gold . In 2006 production was 610 800 tonnes of copper ; 58,474,392 grams of gold ; and 174 458 971 grams of silver [ 1 ] .

Dutch geological Jean - Jacquez Dozy visited Indonesia in 1936 to scale the mountain glaciers Jayawijaya in Irian Jaya province of West Papua . He made a note on a strange black stone with a greenish tint . In 1939 , he filled a record of Hertzberg ( Dutch for " ore mountain " ) . However , the events of World War II led to the report was not considered . Twenty years later , geological Forbes Wilson , worked for a mining company Freeport , read the report . He was in tuga finding reserves of nickel , but then forget about it after he reads the report . He quit smoking and train his body to prepare for the trip to check Hertzberg . Expedition led by Forbes Wilson and Del Flint , discovered a large copper deposits in Hertzberg in 1960 .

Grasberg copper income increased from 515 400 tonnes in 2004 to 793 000 tonnes in 2005. Gold production increased from 1.58 million ounces to 3.55 million ounces .

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