Publications are islands in the Java Sea are included in Jepara, Central Java. With a land area of 1,500 hectares and waters ± ± 110,000 hectares, Publications is now being developed into a tourist charms Sea Park that began much-loved local and foreign tourists.
Based on the legend that circulated in the islands, the island of Karimun found by Sunan Muria. The legend tells of Sunan Muria concerned for delinquency son, Amir Hasan. With the purpose of educating, Sunan Muria then ordered his son to go to an island that seems "kremun-kremun" (fuzzy) from the summit of Mount Moriah so that the child can deepen and develop the science of religion. Because it seemed "kremun-kremun" then dinamakanlah the island of Karimun Island.
Since March 15, 2001, Karimunjawa Jepara set by the government as a national park. Publications are home to coral reefs, mangroves, coastal forests, and nearly 400 species of marine fauna, including 242 species of ornamental fish. Berhabitat some rare fauna here are Sea Eagle White Chest, hawksbill and green turtles.
Plants that characterizes the National Park Publications, namely Dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) contained in lowland rain forest.
Waves in Karimun is low and tame, bordered by beaches are mostly fine white sand beach
Publications of more than 10100000 people in the five inhabited islands. The three main tribes inhabiting Karimunjawa are Javanese who farm and produce household appliance, the Bugis sailors who are reliable so it works as a fisherman, and Madurese who also works as a fisherman but has advantages make dried fish.
Education in Karimunjawa already reaching out to high school level. In addition to having approximately 10 SD (five in Karimun, three in Kemujan and each one in Parang and Genting), Karimunjawa also has one junior high, MTs (MTs), and SMK majoring Seaweed Cultivation and Processing Technology Fishery is free schools, as well as the Madrasah Aliyah in Rainy.
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