Lawang Sewu is a building in Semarang, Central Java, which is the office of the Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij or NIS. Built in 1904 and was completed in 1907. Located in Tugu Muda roundabout formerly called Wilhelminaplein.
Local people call Lawang Sewu (Thousand Doors) because the building has a door that very much. In fact, there is no door to a thousand. This building has many windows are high and wide, so people often think of it as the doors (mace).
ancient building and magnificent two-story after independence used as offices Djawatan Repoeblik Indonesian Railways (DKARI) or now PT Kereta Api Indonesia. In addition, once used as the Office of National Infrastructures Regional Military Command (Kodam IV / Diponegoro) and the Regional Office (Regional Office) Ministry of Transportation Central Java. In the struggle for the building has its own historical record that when the Battle of the five-day event took place in Semarang (14 October to 19 October 1945).
This old building into a great battle between the location of youth AMKA or Young Generation Railways against Kempeitai and Kidobutai, Japan. Therefore the Government of Semarang with Decree No. Mayor. 650/50/1992, input Lawang Sewu as one of the 102 ancient or historic buildings in the city of Semarang that should be protected.
VILLA ISOLA is building villas located in the northern outskirts of the city of Bandung. Located on high ground, on the left side of the road to Lembang (Jln. Setiabudhi), the building was used by the Teachers' Training College (Institute of Teacher Training and Education) Bandung, which is now the Indonesian Education University-UPI). Villa Isola is one of the Art Deco architectural style buildings that are often found in Bandung.
Villa Isola was built in 1933, belonged to a wealthy Dutchman named Dominique Willem Berretty. Then luxury buildings used as residences was sold and became part of the Hotel Savoy Homann. Subsequent developments, he made Building Teachers' Training College (now UPI) and used as the rector's office.
A special publication during the Dutch East Indies to the villa is written by Ir. W. Leimei, a Dutch architect. In this publication, Leimei said that in Batavia when urbanization is taking place, many people set up a villa in the suburbs with a classic architectural style but always adapt well to the nature and ventilation, windows and alleys that serves as a solar thermal insulation. It is also embraced by the Villa Isola in Bandung. During the Japanese occupation, this building was used as a temporary residence while menjelangPerjanjian General Hitoshi Imamura last Kalijati with the Dutch East Indies government in Kalijati, Subang, in March 1942. The house was built on the design of the Dutch architect who worked in the Dutch East Indies Wolff Schoemaker.
GATE AMSTERDAM (Netherlands: Amsterdamsche Poort) also called Pinangpoort (Gate Pinang) or Kasteelpoort are remnants of the fort gate VOCs during JP Coen. In the mid-19th century, this gate is the only remnant of the fortress was destroyed and abandoned during the Governor General began HW Daendels. This gate had experienced several restoration. Governor-General Gustaaf Willem van Imhoff (1743-1750) never renovate southern bastion including Amsterdam gate in the Rococo style.

Then, after the death Daendels, this gate was restored in the period between 1830 and 1840. The statue of the god Mars and goddess Minervaditambahkan at this gate. Both statues were subsequently lost during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. The building was demolished following the operation of the tram carriage April 1869 in the region. The current location of the gate is located at the intersection of Clove (Prinsenstraat), Road Cob (Kasteelweg), and Fishermen Road East (Amsterdamschegracht) now. In the Old Town revitalization plan, a replica of this gate will be made, although not known whether it will be in the same footprint
MUSEUM BANK MANDIRI Standing on October 2, 1998. The museum occupies an area of 10 039 m2 at first is Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij building (NHM) or Factorji Batavia, Dutch-owned trading company that later evolved into the company in the field of banking.
Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM) was nationalized in 1960 became one of the office buildings Farmers & Fishermen Cooperative Bank (BKTN) Import Export Affairs. Then along with the birth Export-Import Bank Indonesia (BankExim) on December 31, 1968, the building was turned into the headquarters Export Import Bank (Exim Bank), until finally legal merger with Bank Exim Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Bank Bumi Daya (BBD ) and the Development Bank of Indonesia (Bapindo) to the Bank (1999), then the building became the assets of Bank Mandiri.
this museum was born in 1778, precisely on April 24, at the time of the formation of Royal Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences. J.C.M. Radermacher, chairman of the association, which accounts for a building located at Jalan Kalibesar along with a collection of books and cultural objects which later became the basis for the establishment of the museum.
In the period of British rule (1811-1816), Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles who is also the director of the Royal Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences ordered the construction of a new building located at Jalan Majapahit No. 3. This building was used as a museum and meeting rooms for Literary Society (formerly named "Societeit de Harmonie".) The location of this building is now part of the State Secretariat complex.
Museum Benteng Vredeburg yogyakarta
Museum Vredeburg dibangtn is a fortress in 1765 by the VOC in Yogyakarta during the colonial period VOC. The fort was built by the VOC as the center of government and defense of the Dutch governor at the time. This square-shaped fortress turreted monitor in the four corners and in it there are buildings house officers, soldiers boarding, warehouse logistics, gunpowder warehouse, hospital and home warrior president.
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