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» Star 50 Artificial PT PAL Indonesia is one of the best ships in the world
Star 50 Artificial PT PAL Indonesia is one of the best ships in the world
9:03 PM
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Ship Made PT PAL Indonesia, The World's Best. Double Skin Bulk Carrier Ship (DSBC) Erlyne 50,000 Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT) production by PT PAL Indonesia has one of the best ships in the world to ship classroom weighing 50,000 tons. The ship is also known by the name "Star 50" long 189.840 meters and 30.50 meters wide design is entirely the result of the children of Indonesia.
50,000 DWT ships Erlyne DSBC designed to meet the operating requirements and designed using Det Norske Verits class (DNV Class). According to Director of PT PAL Indonesia Harsusanto, from design gan harsindo.com, DSBC Erlyne speed of 50,000 DWT vessel has a maximum speed of 14.5 knots. But, after tested in the ocean, the maximum speed can reach 16.5 knots.
This is the type of commercial ship orders Azurite Invest Ltd, British Virgin Iland, Singapore. Erlyne DSBC ship of 50,000 DWT is the ninth ship of the class ships DSBC who successfully exported to several countries. Some countries have imported this type of vessel is Hong Kong (four units), Germany (two units), Turkey (two units), and Singapore (one unit).
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