A play that tells the story of a girl who lost village in Yogyakarta circulating on Youtube. Sri, an innocent village girl suddenly disappeared while being treated at Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta.
Uniquely, this play is shown by some Java language class students of the Australian National University (ANU). The players were almost all foreigners, except for one person who seems native to Indonesia.
The play's direction of George Quinn begins by showing a landscape of Mount Merapi, and the city of Yogyakarta, and begins with the sound of the song sounds Java. Shortly thereafter, the setting changed in a house, with a man in a little chubby as a homeowner.
When the men sitting around drinking coffee, came the husband and wife. The man wore blangkon, while the women wear kebaya perfunctory. The host also asked Iyem, aides to membikinkan drinks and food perfunctory. Husband and wife turns parents missing Sri.
"Ora mosok nganggo nyami'an, sing beautifully yo YEM," said the owner of the house.
When relaxed chat, suddenly came three guests named Landung, Suprapto, and Nur who is the wife Suprapto. The arrival of three of them is to proclaim that Sri, apparently fled from the hospital along with a young doctor named doctor Gunawan, who apparently is the son of the father of the owner of the house.
Father and mother Sri was furious. She scolded the father because of his chubby homeowners have brought Sri escaped from Bethesda Hospital. The father defended himself, he accused the father and mother of Sri do not know themselves. Already helped accuse nonsensical.
"That you did wong rustic, wis ditompo nginep omahku nang instead ngramyah. Basic puppy munggah bale," said the father of the owner of the house, filled waist.
But fortunately the tension was finally subsided after reconciled by Landung et al.
When the atmosphere is laid back, suddenly Iyem come and say to the employer if there is a two policemen. Police men and women were invited in. Asked what the goal came, the police man said he was looking for a man named Suprapto.
All were shocked, including Suprapto and Nur were puzzled why the police are looking for her husband. Sat why suddenly Landung, Suprapto friends pretended pain dizziness and fainting. When all the attention leads to Landung, Suprapto suddenly blurred. Police were initially off guard finally realized that they turned out to be deceived Suprapto faded.
By lifting postol, two policemen came out of the house, chasing Suprapto. And the play was over.
The drama is presented by the Australian students in Youtube is quite entertaining. In addition to the Java language kromo inggil wear smooth, dialect Caucasians are still mixed with the Java language that they recite. They refined the Java language fluently recite the native Javanese were not necessarily able to pronounce it.
Videos uploaded by Rukardi Achmadi on July 2, 2012 under the direction of Dr. Amrih Widodo and Prof. Dr. George Quinn. Until now, the new video watched by 6757 people. On average drama about 9 minutes berdirasi is getting praise.
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